If I WERE or IF I WAS? The other day someone asked – whether it is appropriate to use was after IF . Yes both are possible . The only point you need to remember – i.e SITUATION. Situation – …
Find the differences among- AWAKE- AWAKEN- WAKE- WAKEN !!! TOUGH??? Read on to find the difference The confusion on your face is palpable. But hold on- there is nothing to confuse. Simply follow it minutely- 1) AWAKE– Adjective- Not sleeping. …
1.The dog smells badly. 2. I only ate three slices of pizza. 3. You sure can eat a lot of ice cream at one sitting ! Answers 1) This might be correct- depends on what you mean.If the dog stinks …
IF YOU CAN SOLVE THE FOLLOWING INDEPENDENTLY , THEN FINE.OTHERWISE SCROLL DOWN TO FIND THE ANSWERS. 1. I don’t like these kind of movies.2. All the girls wore a dress to the dance.3. Every player on the team played their …
WHAT IS CAUSATIVE VERBS– The causatives are the verbs that are used to indicate that one person causes another person to do something for the first person. This is a structure of CAUSATIVE VERBS:HAVE GET MAKE This kind of verbs …
USAGE OF WISH- It’s used for things which are impossible or very unlikely- For example- I wish that I had a big house. ( I don’t have a big house, but it’s a nice idea.) I wish that we didn’t …
The pandemic throws the life out of gear. The huge retrenchment made the domestic budget unbalanced. The growing imbalance in between rich and poor is widening. Perhaps this traumatic phase may throw many personalities into disbalance( Imbalance). MEANING- IMBALANCE– Lack …
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ETC, AND ET AL. Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat singh etc. sacrificed their lives for the freedom movement of India.Does this etc. sound respectable.? No , this small usage spoiled the respect which the sentence wanted …
Can THEY or THEIR be used as singular? I understand seeing this question you can’t help smirking. Or might be scowling? Because, your understanding is not permitting you to accept this. However, you need to think. Follow these-Everybody should take …